Run npm-package-json-lint through the CLI with this script.
npmPkgJsonLint [opts] [fileGlobPatterns ...]
npm-package-json-lint ignores files located in node_modules
NOTE: Please leverage
when using this package in a mono-repo. RunnpmPackageJsonLint . && syncpack lint
$ npmPkgJsonLint .
Looks for all
files in the project. The CLI engine automatically looks for relevant config files for each package.json file that is found.
$ npmPkgJsonLint ./packages
Looks for all
files in thepackages
directory. The CLI engine automatically looks for relevant config files for each package.json file that is found.
$ npmPkgJsonLint ./package1 ./package2
Looks for all
files in thepackage1
directories. The CLI engine automatically looks for relevant config files for each package.json file that is found.
--configFile <file path>
(alias -c
File path to local config file or module name. Please see configuration for more details.
$ npmPkgJsonLint -c ./config/.npmpackagejsonlintrc.json .
Looks for all
files in the project. The CLI engine automatically looks for relevant config files for each package.json file that is found. The CLI also merges the config found in./config/.npmpackagejsonlintrc.json
$ npmPkgJsonLint --configFile ./config/npmpackagejsonlint.config.json .
(alias -q
Report errors only.
$ npmPkgJsonLint -q .
Looks for all
files in the project. The CLI engine automatically looks for relevant config files for each package.json file that is found. Removes any warnings from the output.
$ npmPkgJsonLint --quiet ./packages
Looks for all
files in thepackages
directory. The CLI engine automatically looks for relevant config files for each package.json file that is found. Removes any warnings from the output using the long form for quieting output.
(alias -ncf
Skips loading project config files (i.e. .npmpackagejsonlintrc.json and npmpackagejsonlint.config.js).
(alias -i
Path to a file containing patterns that describe files to ignore. By default, npm-package-json-lint looks for ./.npmpackagejsonlintignore
$ npmPkgJsonLint . --ignorePath .gitignore
Looks for all
files in the project and exclude ignored paths. The CLI engine automatically looks for relevant config files for each package.json file that is found.
(alias -mw
Max number of warnings that are allowed before an error is thrown. By default, npm-package-json-lint allows 10000000
Do not throw an error when a list of targets is empty.